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Help make Milwaukee a welcoming home for immigrants!

Over the last decade, the global refugee population has soared to 100 million. Milwaukee is now home to a diverse refugee community from countries like Burma, Sudan, and Congo. Since 2021, CCI has facilitated refugee integration by providing English and Citizenship education programs and immigration legal services. Refugees come to our organization to solidify their immigration status, enhance their language skills, and eventually obtain U.S. citizenship.

In 2023, we provided services to over 300 refugees, 68 of whom went on to achieve US citizenship! However, there is an urgent need for a stronger support network in Milwaukee. We anticipate 1,000 arrivals over the next year as a consequence of deepening global conflicts, federal policy changes, and secondary migration from other American states. Unfortunately, resettlement agencies have limited capacity to assist new refugee residents after a 90-day period.

Therefore, we need your support to raise $25,000 and prepare for this new group of arrivals! Your gift will expand our capacity to:

  • Provide English and Citizenship courses for refugees with limited literacy
  • Help new arrivals get green cards so they can work and obtain a driver’s license
  • Update our classrooms and facilities to accommodate more students

Over the long term, your support is transformational for our clients!

For instance, Kha and her husband Phyo attended English courses and worked with our team to become American citizens. After completing our programs Kha and Phyo used their literacy skills and stable immigration status to become entrepreneurs! They are now owners of a popular local restaurant, Kha Sushi.

Donate today and make Milwaukee a welcoming home for even refugees just like Phyo and Kha!